What are the different types of beards?

Any self-respecting Bearded Man understands the importance of choosing a beard. Each of us has a preference for a particular beard style, but the question remains whether this choice also suits you physically.
The answer to this question takes into account several factors, from face shape to haircut and even the usual color of your suit. In this post, we'll go over the different beard styles and who are the best candidates to sport them. A beard on a face shape that doesn't suit it, or with the wrong haircut, can look poor. And you don't like mediocrity, right?
Let’s dig deeper.
Who hasn't happened to notice a particular type of beard and realize one day in front of the mirror, once the hair has grown and the trimming has been achieved, that in the end, this type of beard doesn't suit us? as well as others? It's not that you're not good at pruning, far from it. No, the problem is that one type of beard does not necessarily suit everyone and the shape of your face, much more than your preference or your ability to trim it, will determine your beard style. And this is very similar to haircuts which also depend on your face shape.
Here are four face shapes and beard styles that match:
A key to choosing your beard when you have a rather round face is to trim your beard as closely as possible on the sides, and leave some length at the bottom. This length will elongate your face which will have a rather oval shape.
Beards that match:
Corporate – Whaler – Natural
Some of us have strong jawlines, which gives us a rather square face shape. If you want to accentuate the shape of your jawline, it is better to keep a shorter beard, such as evening stubble or stubble. The goal is to keep your beard trimmed downward while shortening its length to show off a chiseled jawline. If you think your jawline is too pointy, and you want to tone it down, simply add a little length. Keep the waist short on the sides but add some length along the jawline and chin. This will result in a more oval appearance.
The corresponding beards:
Circle Beard – Balbo
Men with a triangular face shape tend to lengthen their beards under their chin. This helps widen the shape of your jawline and chin to give them a more square shape. To avoid having a jaw that is too wide, it is best to avoid leaving too much beard on the cheeks and chin.
The corresponding beards:
Side burns – whaler – natural
An oval face is a happy medium between all face shapes. Your cheekbones are slightly wider than your jawline, which is also more rounded. Any type of beard matches this face shape, don't be afraid to try, you have the ideal face shape for it. But perhaps a shorter beard with clean, defined lines will make the most of it.
The corresponding beards:
Corporate – Natural – Goatee
The previous four face shapes are the main ones. But some of us have oblong/rectangular or diamond shaped face. The features are elongated, the jaws squarer located just above the mouth and the face. In this case, opt for a beard that fills out your face or a broad mustache that cuts the length of the face.
The corresponding beards:
Natural – Van Dyke - Goatee
Now let's tackle a subject that makes us nervous: graying beards. At first, many of us will want to dye our beards. We do not recommend it. Firstly because we encourage you to accept a natural evolution which affects us all, and a style which will be very personal to you. Then, because the way you are going to use this new appearance will make you even more attractive.
A healthy beard has a wide variety of tones, and even more so when it is graying. These range from gray to silver to white to metallic colors like pewter or bronze. These shades will personalize your beard and give it a certain dimension that you won't have if it is uniformly dyed. This gives depth, and it is then more important to focus on beard care than on trimming the beard.
Graying beards become coarser than when they had their original color. It is important to use beard care products, beard oil or beard mask, during this transitional period, in order to soften the hair.