
Kit de rasage traditionnel

Safety Razor: Mastering the Shaving Ritual

Using a safety razor does not differ much from using a traditional multi-blade razor. However, it is essential to know and master the shaving ritual that corresponds to the use...

Safety Razor: Mastering the Shaving Ritual

Using a safety razor does not differ much from using a traditional multi-blade razor. However, it is essential to know and master the shaving ritual that corresponds to the use...

Monsieur Arsène X Club 33 : L'Authenticité au Cœur du Marais | Monsieur Arsène

Monsieur Arsène X Club 33: Authenticity in the ...

Club 33 opened its doors in the heart of the Parisian Marais a year ago. Marion and Mikael, hairdressers and barbers for more than ten years, wanted a resolutely authentic...

Monsieur Arsène X Club 33: Authenticity in the ...

Club 33 opened its doors in the heart of the Parisian Marais a year ago. Marion and Mikael, hairdressers and barbers for more than ten years, wanted a resolutely authentic...