Happy New Year 2024!
Dear friends,
Allow me to personally present to you my best wishes for this new year, may it keep you in excellent health and may it be rich in human relationships.
We have been living a great adventure together for almost five years and your loyalty allows us to establish a long-term brand of organic cosmetics for men, with a strong commitment to people and the planet that we pursue through our daily decisions.
In addition to our expertise in formulation, a heritage of very French know-how, we offer thoughtful consumption of cosmetic care products made in a local, artisanal and sustainable manner. This responsibility is extended to our entire range. Concerned about our environmental impact, we continue this same commitment through our daily decisions.
People are at the heart of the company since we work for the cardboard section with an ESAT which offers work to adults with disabilities. We have also decided to remove the cellophane traditionally wrapping perfume, our bottles are made of recyclable glass, packaged in linen bags and the shipping boxes are reusable. Finally, we are partners of Team for the Planet which invests in new technical solutions to improve the decarbonization of our daily lives. It is these small gestures for the planet that are consistent with our convictions without demeaning the quality of our products.
The year 2023 was rich in events such as the arrival in our range of new references such as shaving powder, an innovation which replaces the traditional shaving soap, a fourth perfume 1873 Vetiver as well as a versatile box of 3 perfumes 30ml. We are consolidating our partnership with our approved distributors with whom we maintain a privileged relationship to be as close as possible to you. And since June we have had the pleasure of welcoming our Parisian customers to the Petrone boutique in the 2nd arrondissement, the French Tech district.
This year again we have several projects in the same philosophy, starting with the development of a new product and a fifth organic perfume. We continue to develop with partners by following a selective distribution policy and sincerely thank the partners who have joined us and who share our commitment.
Thank you all, and have a great new year to you and your loved ones.

Laurent Fluhr
Photo credit: Alexandre Tarall