Within each liquid perfume composition, alcohol plays a central role, constituting between 75% and 98% of the final formula. This proportion varies depending on the concentration of the perfume concentrate, which embodies the very essence of each fragrance. The various names such as elixir de parfum, eau de parfum and eau de toilette arise from this variation, highlighting the crucial importance of alcohol and its quality.
Mr. Arsène 's commitment to plant-based and organic alcohol
At Monsieur Arsène , our choice fell on a 100% vegetable and organic alcohol, in this case organic wheat alcohol. The obvious question that arises is: why does alcohol play such a crucial role in the composition of a perfume?
An anchored history and its current role
Historically, the term "alcohol" has its origins in the Arabic "al khol", meaning "the subtle thing". Its use dates back to the time of "kohl", a fine antimony powder that harem women applied to their eyelids to highlight them. The production of this precious powder required the use of a still.
This still was also used for the distillation of wine, hence its preserved name. The spelling "Alcool" gradually became established in France in the 16th century. In the context of perfumes, alcohol plays an essential role as an essential carrier for fixing and releasing the scents of the perfume concentrate onto the skin. It highlights each olfactory note, thus enhancing the whole.
The fundamental role of alcohol in the perfume composition
Different types of alcohol are used for this purpose, all sharing a common attribute: they are tasteless, adding no olfactory note to the skin. They are used exclusively to enhance the perfume concentrate developed by the perfumer, adapting harmoniously to each skin type.
That refreshing action you feel with each spray also comes from alcohol. Furthermore, alcohol turns out to be an excellent preservative, extending the longevity of the perfume over several months or even years.
Organic vegetable alcohol: a new perspective
In the conventional perfume industry, alcoholic perfumes are often made from ethanol, a sometimes controversial alcohol. Additionally, this ethanol is often adulterated with synthetic and chemical additives, raising concerns about its quality.
A recent trend is to favor the use of alcohols derived from plant materials. Beet, rye or wheat, these raw materials are subjected to enzymatic transformations and fermentation to obtain alcohol. Monsieur Arsène opted for wheat alcohol, originating from Europe and distilled in Vaucluse.
A revolutionary approach: vegetable, organic and natural alcohol
In our approach, we decided to base our formula on exclusively 100% healthy ingredients. We therefore ruled out denatured vegetable alcohol, a crucial step in making alcohol unsafe for consumption, often involving synthetic additives.
Monsieur Arsène used an alcohol denaturation method that is specific to his distillery, using only natural, organic and vegan ingredients. This approach has been validated by the Official Customs Services, demonstrating our commitment to quality and authenticity.
The choice of Plant: a positive impact
Opting for plant sources is already an improvement, but opting for plant sources grown in accordance with organic farming standards is even more so.
Mr. Arsène has chosen certified organic wheat alcohol, thus guaranteeing the absence of conventional pesticides. However, it is important to note that some brands claiming to offer natural and organic fragrances simply use organic plant-based alcohol.
Mr. Arsène 's authentic commitment to Quality
For the sake of integrity, it is essential to understand that the concentration of alcohol in a perfume generally ranges between 80% and 90%. However, some perfumes are awarded an ORGANIC label solely due to the use of organic vegetable alcohol.
It is crucial to remember that perfume concentrate, the result of a complex mixture of fragrant ingredients, is created by the perfumer using a variety of components. Thus, it is possible for a perfume to be described as natural and organic, when only alcohol meets these criteria. The multiple ingredients potentially contain traces of pesticides, which can affect the skin.
Monsieur Arsène : a unique commitment in Perfumery
Thanks to a careful selection of raw materials in our specialized laboratory near Avignon, and our exclusive approach to denaturing vegetable, organic and vegan alcohol, Monsieur Arsène has established itself as the pioneer on the market by offering authentic perfumes, free from compromise.